Prayer requests

We have an active prayer ministries team who’d love to lift you and your requests up to God in prayer. You can remain anonymous if you would prefer, but if you feel comfortable including your name and email address, please do so.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to support you in your time of need!

There’s power in prayer

“The function of prayer is to connect with God, not to get through a formulaic prayer.” Bill Hull and Brandon Cook, The Cost of Cheap Grace

While on earth, Jesus stayed connected to His Heavenly Father through prayer and modeled this practice to His disciples, encouraging them to make their requests known to God.

Thousands of years later, we have the same opportunity to spend time with God through prayer. Talking to our Father can bring clarity, peace, encouragement, and so much more.

We want to encourage you in your prayer walk. Here's a 30-day prayer activity we recommend trying.